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Rubik | HR module

Automated Job Architecture Creation 

From automated job evaluations and job descriptions to analytical tools for implementing fair remuneration, Rubik gives you all the tools you need to effectively and fairly manage human resources in your organization.


With cutting-edge AI algorithms, a methodical approach and automated processes, we can help you create architecture, job descriptions, competency profiles, KPIs, org charts and many other deliverables using a simple process. What's more, we don't need more than 1 spreadsheet with basic information about your organization.

With an intuitive user interface and the ability to connect and integrate data from multiple sources, we can meet the requirements of both small and large clients. Rubik can function either as a replacement for the information system (central data repository) or as a reporting layer between the information system and the user used for two-way communication and access control.


Job Architecture Creation

With Rubik, we can automatically evaluate your job roles, create detailed job descriptions, and even create an architecture of the roles in your organization. This creates the basis for an effective HR strategy, fair remuneration and transparent communication throughout the company.

Automated Job Architecture Creation
Our AI module guides you through the creation of a Job Architecture (categorization and structure of positions in the organization). It brings clarity and transparency for employees. Allows simplification and automation of HR processes, policies and strategies. High complexity, high level of detail, high configurability of outputs. It really couldn't be simpler.

Job functions evaluation (grading)
It determines the value of each position in the organization and creates a solid foundation for an effective HR strategy. It forms the cornerstone of the entire HR architecture. Thanks to Vissto Cubes' integrated job evaluation methodology and innovative approach, we can also evaluate your positions in an automated way using the job architecture. This allows you to quickly set up grading or regular reviews.

Automated job descriptions
They contain complete competency profiles and position requirements. Provide clarity, readability and internal consistency across the company. In addition, thanks to the precise categorization of information, different position descriptions can be compared with each other categorically and relevant positions within the company can be searched based on the specified parameters.

Career planning
Competency and skills-based career maps. Automated career paths based on position profiles. Helps with career planning and employee development support.
By categorizing all the information, we are able to search for relevant positions for individual employees or candidates to support their further career growth or identify a suitable position. Based on a gap analysis between the position and the candidate, development plans can be prepared within the framework of targeted development.

Fair Remuneration

By regular salary analyses and systematic salary reviews, you can create a fair and transparent remuneration system. Payroll costs will be under control before employees earn their well-deserved bonuses.

Salary Analysis
Valuable insights into pay practices, competitiveness and the overall distribution of payroll costs. This will help with improving long-term compensation strategy as well as setting fair compensation within individual teams.

Structured system of salary adjustments
Introduces systematic pay adjustments with respect to performance, financial evaluation and other specific criteria according to the position classification in the organization. It will streamline resource allocation, introduce a fair and transparent system and motivate teams to develop further.

Salary Policy Creation
Based on market data, we will develop a tailor-made payroll policy for you, which can be directly integrated into a structured payroll system.
If you do not have market data, we can build a basic policy for you using data from our EXESS23 salary survey, which we can extend not only to managerial positions but also to the rest of the organisation based on analytical approaches and expert market knowledge.

HR budgeting and bonus rewards
Optimizes the payroll budget management process, its utilization and fair bonus distribution that supports the organization's business objectives.

Effective tools for managers

Evaluate performance, record employee information, and prepare for important 1:1 interviews - all in one place. Rubik helps you with consistency, clarity, and fairness across the board.

Employee performance evaluation
Helps to set and evaluate the KPIs of individual employees. Brings consistency, clarity and fairness across the company.

Recording of information to employees
Writing down notes, evaluations, agreed facts to employees. Helps keep information in one place.

Preparation for 121 interviews
Verify all notes, set goals, timelines, payroll analysis, KPIs, job descriptions from one place. Increases efficiency in managed employee development.

Configurable OrgChart
It creates an always-updated, clear org chart that can also be tailored to the needs of the organisation. Company-wide, departmental, team and employee org charts can be generated.

Employee timeline view
Shows the historical context of the wage adjustment, comparison with the market, other relevant positions. Provides a clear assessment of the employee's performance within the company.

Convenient HR administration

Configuring HR processes, activating approval flows, customizations - Rubik can easily adapt to your needs. Integrating other data sources then allows you to make the most of the information.

HR processes creation
Allows you to configure HR processes for individual areas, such as recruiting a new employee. Ensures that all necessary information is filled in and that data is consistent in the system.

Tailor-made adjustments
The tool is designed to be easily adapted to the specific needs of each client. It makes it easy to add specific data, new reports, visualizations and dashboards.

Approval flows
You can activate the approval process on specific scenarios and let Rubik monitor the approval by each hierarchical level.
It brings simplicity and speed to the approval process.

Connecting additional data sources
Allows you to expand the context of information and make the most of the data environment. Integration of complementary data helps meet the most demanding business needs and requirements.

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  • How are access rights handled?


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